

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

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Paper by Paul Westerhoff selected as Nature Communications Editors’ Highlight

A recent research paper written by Regents Professor Paul Westerhoff was selected as one of the most interesting energy research works published in the highly regarded peer-review research journal Nature Communications. Nature Communications Senior Editor Long Chen chose the article — “Evanescent waves modulate energy efficiency of photocatalysis within TiO2 coated optical fibers illuminated using LEDs” —…

VDRI selects awardees for the 2021 FSE strategic interest seed funding program

The Vice Dean for Research and Innovation (VDRI) Office is pleased to announce 12 awardees for the 2021 Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) Strategic Interest Seed Funding Program: Working Collaboratively to Meet Future Needs. The response to this year’s seed funding initiative was impressive with a variety of topics and ideas presented by faculty across FSE…

2021 Teaching Excellence and Top 5% Awards

Quality and innovative instruction are top priorities of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. We recognize excellence in instruction by awarding an annual Teaching Excellence Award and through selection to our Top 5% Teachers List. Student nominations and feedback are reviewed by a faculty committee in determining these honors. This year’s recipient of the…

Samuel Ariaratnam

Ariaratnam earns highest honor for trenchless technology researchers

Samuel T. Ariaratnam, professor and program chair of construction engineering in the Del E. Webb School of Construction, was recently awarded the International Society for Trenchless Technology Gold Medal. He is the seventh person, and second from the U.S., to earn the highest honor in trenchless technology spanning ISTT’s 33-year history. The award recognizes individuals who…

Congratulations, 2019 National Academy of Inventors ASU Chapter inductees!

Nine faculty members in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering were inducted into the ASU Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors in April 2019. The National Academy of Inventors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit member organization comprising U.S. and international universities, and governmental and non-profit research institutes, with over 3,000 individual inventor members and Fellows spanning…