How can faculty integrate emerging technologies to spark innovation for first-year engineering students? Anoop Grewal, an engineering associate teaching professor, recently pioneered an initiative to integrate augmented reality, known as AR, into his FSE 100 Introduction to Engineering curriculum. Students have the opportunity to think entrepreneurially and create their own AR applications through open-ended projects….
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning
The Learning and Teaching Hub is a dedicated Engineering faculty resource for ongoing professional development and communities of practice, instructional consultation and coaching, collaborative learning development, and effective use of learning technology and analytics. Find helpful resources, workshops and meetings, spotlights on academic innovators and more.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovators — Ryan Milcarek and Josh Wilbur
To ensure that students in the online mechanical engineering program could still derive substantive practical experiences, faculty members Ryan Milcarek and Josh Wilbur devised novel and forward-thinking virtual laboratories and simulations that not only maintained the foundational learning objectives, but also enhanced students’ ability to navigate uncertainties in data acquisition and analytical processes.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovator Steve Millman’s logic tutor and flipped classes
Steve Millman, a professor of practice in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, programmed his own software for his CSE/EEE 120 Digital Design Fundamentals class that randomly generates practice problems and gives students instant feedback. Steve also flipped his courses so students watch lecture videos before coming to class and he now spends class time on hands-on activities and group quizzes.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovators — Alicia Baumann and Haolin Zhu gamification
Alicia Baumann and Haolin Zhu, senior lecturers in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, have implemented gamification elements into their engineering courses. Baumann and Zhu added challenges throughout the semester and in different media formats to engage their students’ own learning and motivate them to master course concepts.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Meet the faculty teaching leads
The FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has a team of faculty members that serve as teaching leads for the Fulton Schools community. Faculty and instructional staff can connect with the teaching leads to receive support on:
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Quick-Reference Guides
The FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has created a variety of Quick-Reference Guides (QRGs) for common teaching tasks and challenges. Think of the QRGs as condensed highlights on educational topics, meant to offer just-in-time learning to quickly implement pedagogical strategies and provide additional resources for learning.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovators — Alexandra Mehlhase’s SparkyBot
Alexandra Mehlhase is a software engineering faculty member at the Polytechnic campus who has created a Slackbot called “SparkyBot” to create more engaging, organized discussions in Slack.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Mediaplus — ASU launches new media delivery platform in December
MediaPlus will replace MediaAMP/Modalis as the media delivery platform for ASU. Faculty and staff will not need to re-upload or transfer those resources themselves. All existing media, videos and transcripts in MediaAMP are being copied and saved and will begin to appear in MediaPlus in early December. All existing links to MediaAmp content within Canvas will be automatically transitioned to MediaPlus.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Academic Innovators Ryan Meuth and Phill Miller in CSE 110
Ryan Meuth and Phill Miller are senior lecturers under the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence who have been creatively reimagining their approach to teaching and learning in the CSE 110: Principles of Programming course.
Spotlight on Teaching and Learning: Resources and news at the Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub website
The Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub, or LTH, was announced earlier this year to broaden access to innovative teaching strategies, technologies, tools and resources.